Feller Maitrank
Feller Maitrank


A touch of happiness for a nice drink!

Feller 3L

Maitrank was mentioned for the first time by the Benedictine monk, Wandalbert de Prüm (Germany) in 854. This pleasant drink made by the monks was offered to the local residents and travellers who sought shelter with them.

In the past, German wine-growers used to offset the natural and excess acidity of some white wines by adding seasonal fruits or plants.

At that time, maitrank was only drunk due a short 6 to 8 week period, as the methods to keep the drink were still rather rudimentary. As the modern wine production methods progressively improved, this custom has almost disappeared.

The last weekend of May is celebrated every year. The “May Drink” has become the star of the annual Arlon festivities.